Sunday, June 5, 2016

When Trumpets Fade....

I awoke around 7 or 730 this morning after staying up past 1AM with a somber feeling in my heart and a hint of fatigue in my shoulders.  Rockabilly on the Route in Tucumcari was over and folks were starting to filter out of the town. 
A weekend of high comed pomps, petticoats and the chugging slapping sounds of double basses had come to an end and it was time to return to normal life. 
I'm sad not so much because the festivities had ended, but rather because I would soon be pointing my front wheel towards my own home and putting in my rear view mirror people that I genuinely care for and miss when I can't be around them.
The energy in Tucumcari has faded as quickly as the bands and hotrods drove out of town and I am left looking at a sleepy route 66 town. The sun bakes the asphalt and continues its work of fading old paint and neon signs that once glowed brightly during its heyday.

I find myself emotionally ready to leave and head back to Missouri...

...and I hate that feeling.

I'll be here another day so I can go over my motorcycle and make sure everything is tip top and such and to make sure I'm adequately rested for the start of the following day's journey.

Route 66 really is the people and the experience and not just the sights.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Good Morning Tucumcari and Good Morning Rockabilly on the Route!

I would have posted more yesterday evening but not only was I swept up in a reunion of sorts with various regular attendees to the Rockabilly on the Route festival who are like extended family now.... aaaannnnd.... I was dog tired from the road. Thoroughly crispy too.  So I'll start off today the right way with a few shots of a few of my favorite morning time things here in Tucumcari.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Grubbin and Rainwaiting....

So its a little uncharacteristically rainy at the moment and my buddy Josh n I are getting food and waiting for things to blow over again.  It's nice to be back out on the bike for a long haul again. I've needed it something fierce after a very crazy May. 

While stopped earlier at the old Sinclair station in Gay Parita, we ran into two fellow road wanderers.  These cats were from Germany, near Hamburg. They're out doing their bucket list ride! Good on them and many safe and adventerous miles!

Here is to wind therapy, good riding buddies, fantastic roads and hopefully cooler heads prevailing....

Waitin' Out the Rain in Gay Parita

Well... looks like my buddy Josh and I are taking a longer break at the old Sinclair station in Gay Parita, MO. I'm so glad that Gary's family decided to keep the old place open!

On the Road Again

Once again I am on the open road.  The Mother Road calls to me with her siren song.... aaannnd there is a big rockabilly event that happens annually out in Tucumcari, NM.  That is where I am heading!  So stay tuned for old neon, old cars smiling Route 66 "Roadies," pompadours and victory rolls as I once again head out to get my kicks, on Route 66.